Call for Papers: Social Science History Association Religion Network
Social Science History Association 2018 Annual Conference
Phoenix, Arizona, November 8-11, 2018
Conference Theme: “Histories of Disadvantage: Meanings,
Mechanisms, and Politics”
The Religion Network of the Social Science History Association invites proposals for papers, panels, and book sessions for the 43rd annual meeting of the Social Science History Association in Phoenix, Arizona, November 8-11, 2018. We are also looking for volunteers to serve as panel chairs and discussants.
The SSHA is the leading
interdisciplinary association for historical research in the US, providing a
stimulating venue for explorations of how social processes unfold over time. The
Religion Network serves as the home within the organization for scholars
interested in religious history, religious mobilization, religious change, and
religion’s effect on social and political processes. Our network is interdisciplinary
and cross-national in scope, and embraces all scholarship that examines how
religion intersects with other social processes in historical perspective.
We encourage the participation of
graduate students and recent PhDs as well as more established scholars from a
wide range of disciplines and departments. Graduate students are eligible to
apply for financial support to attend the annual meeting. Further details about
the association, the 2018 annual meeting, and the call for proposals are
available on the SSHA website:
The deadline for paper and/or panel submissions is February 16, 2018.
We welcome and encourage papers and panel proposals on a wide array of issues related to the historical study of religion and society. While complete panel proposals (consisting of 4-5 individual papers, a chair, and a discussant) are preferred, we also seek out high-quality individual paper submissions. Panels and papers may address the topics below, or any other relevant and related topic examining religion in a historical context:
· Religion across Boundaries
· Religion and Populism
· Religion and Gender
· Religion and Contemporary Geopolitics
· Religion and State Formation
· Secularizations, Secularisms, Secularities
· Religion and Law
· Religion as a Category of Analysis
· Religion and Social Movements
· Religion and Science
· Religion and Field Theory
Please use the SSHA's web conference management system to submit your papers and panel proposals. Paper title, brief abstract, and contact information should be submitted at Please do not hesitate to contact the Religion Network representatives with any questions, comments, or for help with submissions.
Thank you, and we look forward to a stimulating set of panels at this year's SSHA meeting.
Sam Nelson (
Sadia Saeed (